Tuesday 19 April 2016

Now that Virtual Reality is here, "Magic Leap" reminds us that augmented reality is on deck

Google made a big splash when it threw its support behind Magic Leap with a$542 million investment last year. Immediately people began wondering what exactly Mountain View was so excited about that it was willing to drop half a billion dollars as pure investment -- not even an acquisition. Unfortunately, the startup continues to guard its secrets closely. All we know is that Magic Leap has some sort of wearable that blends augmented reality and virtual reality

Now that consumer virtual reality is here, with the arrival of the
leading HTC Vive and runner-up Oculus Rift , Magic Leap is here
to remind us that there's yet another next big thing waiting in the
wings. Many believe that augmented reality will eventually
replace the smartphone – using eye-worn gear to (appear to)
place apps and games inside the real world around us, rather
than on the screen of a handheld device or inside an isolated
virtual world. Mysterious startup Magic Leap launched a new
video today to remind us that it's cooking up that very future.
While Microsoft has been eager to associate its name with AR
right out of the gates, showing off its Hololens AR kit at various
convention demos, Magic Leap has been doing something
similar in a more secretive way, creating buzz and raising
beaucoup bucks without giving the public or press any glimpses
or major details of the device itself.
We do occasionally get to see first-person Magic Leap videos
shot using real footage, though, and we got another one of
those today.

 Click below for clip


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