Thursday 21 April 2016

"Jason Bourne 5" Trailer Is Here With New Poster

We've been teased with various snippets of Jason Bourne
footage since the Super Bowl and at long last, we've finally
been treated to a full-length trailer - starring Matt Damon in all
his action-packed glory. 
Set to be one of summer 2016's most-anticipated
blockbusters, Jason Bourne follows the hugely successful
'00s action trilogy of The Bourne Identity, The Bourne
Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum .
There was, of course, a slight detour after that with Jeremy
Renner's The Bourne Legacy in 2012 – the general consensus
being that he was OK – but there was a collective sigh of relief
when Damon was brought back into the fold.
And as you can see, the trailer is full-throttle, action-packed
Bourne at his best.
Damon, who last played the steely CIA agent in
2007, previously told ComingSoon : "[In] The Bourne Ultimatum ,
the third act actually dovetails with the third act of The Bourne
Supremacy .
"So technically when the Bourne character disappears, it's still
2004. So when this next one comes out [in 2016], it will have
been 12 years in movie years that the character has been off
the grid.

Click Link Below For Trailer


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