Tuesday 19 April 2016

Watch a clip from tonight’s episode of The Flash – ‘Versus Zoom’

Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry (Grant Gustin) believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom (guest star Teddy Sears) and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry (Tom Cavanagh) strongly advises against that plan but after Barry convinces him, Harry reveals that Cisco (Carlos Valdes) has the power to re-open the breach. Meanwhile, Hunter Zoloman’s (Teddy Sears) painful story on Earth-2 is revealed.

In this latest sneak preview, Team Flash learns the real-name of the Earth-2 speedster they knew as the heroic Jay Garrick and recently discovered he's the villainous Zoom. He's actually Hunter Zolomon, a convicted serial killer who acquired his powers while in the process of being executed on an electric chair.

Watch the "Versus Zoom" extended trailer 
click link below

Clip For Tonight 


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