Wednesday 25 May 2016

Wesley Snipes Wants Blade's Return But Says The Ball Is In Marvel's Court

Since his release from incarceration, Wesley Snipes has spoken
on several occasions about the possibility of him returning for a
fourth outing as Blade, even going as far as to say that he’s had
“positive and very favorable” talks with Marvel Studios about
reprising the role of the Daywalker.
Despite Snipes’ optimism, it would appear rather unlikely that
Marvel would want to continue the New Line series if and when
they introduce the character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe,
but that doesn’t seem to have deterred Snipes, who has taken to
Twitter to once again tease the possibility of his return:

When it comes to another BLADE, there's always a possibility.
7:59 PM - 24 May 2016
919 1,219
Wesley Snipes
@wesleysnipes Follow
Balls in Marvels court...
8:08 PM - 24 May 2016
436 581
Wesley Snipes
@wesleysnipes Follow

As yet, there’s been no official word on Marvel’s plans for the
character since regaining the rights, although it was rumoured –
from an unreliable source, it should be noted – that Blade is
being considered as a Netflix show alongside Ghost Rider and
Moon Knight .


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