Saturday, 21 May 2016
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» Meet ARA Google Phone with swappable Parts
Meet ARA Google Phone with swappable Parts
What if you don't like your display or your camera!! Here is the solution.... Google launching its Project ARA - a modular block phone system. In this case you can change every part of it as you want.
This is the teaser video of Googles Project Ara.
Click Link To Watch
The concept is a simple one –– you buy a basic model Ara
phone and all the bits can be pulled off and swapped as you see
fit. Fancy a more powerful camera module? You'll be able to buy
one through Google's dedicated store - a treasure trove of
hardware modules populated by components made by third-
party manufacturers, from the likes of Samsung and its ilk, right
down to little independent devs working out of their basements -
just like Google Play for apps, in fact. The same will be true of
many other components, including things like memory, display
panels, physical keyboards, sensors and scanners, ports,
modems and wireless modules, and much, much more.
Google's Project Ara modular smartphone is still launching
later this year, at least in beta form, the ATAP team
announced at a developer session at Google IO 2016.
This is great news for anyone who was looking forward to
the long-delayed phone with swappable parts.
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