Saturday 14 May 2016


Rowan Pope is as proud as he’s ever been of Olivia, because
now, she is truly his daughter. Olivia Pope has transformed
and this season 5 has shown it. She fought it all her life but
she truly IS Command. No longer is she even pretending that
she has a white hat. In her clothes and in her actions, she has
shed the white and now lives in full color.
As much as Olivia has tried to distance herself from her
father. What happened is she stopped trying. She is who she
is. So Rowan Pope is sitting on his couch looking like Olivia
just won her first Spades game. All proud and shit. “THAT’S
MY BABY.” That is all he’s ever wanted for her: to assume
and use the power he knows she can have. Lil birdie is ready
to fly out the nest and be a goon in her own right. His goal
was for his baby to be the Heir to his Goon Throne. He will still
kill anyone for his goal. I mean, we saw him kill a teenager so
killing some old rich dude that his toy soldier is now related to
made no damb difference to him. Anyone he needs to use to
get what he wants is disposable. They are collateral to the
greater good of his greater bad.
NOW she has accepted it. That is why he is proud. Her
speech on how mediocrity is not an option is directly from his

Turns out everyone else are just pawns on the chess board. Jake
never has a real choice. Fitz is a puppet. Liv and Rowan run
Season 6 will be the fight to the White House between Cyrus
and Liv and that is going to be ugly.


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