Game of Thrones continues to switch it up by
changing the main focus every week. Last week,
Daenerys became the leader of her own Dothraki
army, again. Now, viewers finally get a look at what's
in store for Bran Stark in the future. Also, there's
more than one heart-wrenching scene this week.
Warning: Spoilers are coming. Get your tissues ready.
The biggest moments this past week all came from
Bran while on his visionary journeys with Three Eyed
Raven. What's great about this story is that there
were multiple huge developments in this past of
Bran's first vision is of a man being sacrificed by the
Children of the Forest. They stab what looks like to be
Dragonglass into the man's chest. He appears to be
dying, until his eyes turn a haunting shade of blue.
The Children of the Forest created the White Walkers.
Bran wakes and questions what he saw. He is told
the White Walkers were created in order to fight man,
who were taking over the land.
In addition, the White Walkers end up coming to the
tree after The Night's King touches Bran in a vision.
Three Eyed Raven says the White Walkers can now
enter the tree, as Bran has been marked. Bran must
now take the Three Eyed Ravens place. As this
transition starts to take place, in more visions, Bran
sees Hodor. Outside, White Walkers and an army of
the undead invade. Bran won't come out of his vision
and Three Eyed Raven is cut in half by The Night's
King. Only Bran, Hodor, and Kinvara are left and they
run to escape as the undead follow. Bran and Kinvara
get out, but Hodor must hold the door, so the undead
don't get them. Hodor is eventually killed by the
While this is happening, Bran sees Hodor, in the past.
His eyes go foggy, and he has a seizure. Young
Hodor is shouting "hold the door," which is what
Kinvara is yelling to him in the present. He says it
over and over again until it sounds like "Hodor."
This was easily one of the best episodes of Game of
Thrones of the season and probably the best from
the past couple of seasons. The final scene was
thrilling and just what the show needed. While
Hodor's death and the creation of the White Walkers
were surprising, nonetheless, especially if you
managed to stay away from spoilers, Hodor saying
"hold the door" could lead to some big things?
He was repeating what Kinvara was yelling at him, in
the present, so does that mean that somehow, Bran's
actions have already altered the past in some way?
Did he make his full transition to become Three Eyed
Raven? Will he continue to have the ability to view the
past? That's quite a few questions, but it's things the
viewers want to knowOther notable moments:
Sansa gets a letter from Littlefinger. Sansa and
Brienne meet him in a close town. She wants
nothing to do with him. However, Littlefinger has
an army ready to fight for her. Later, Sansa tells
Jon that Blackfish's army could help them, while
leaving out the part that Littlefinger gave her that
Arya's training continues. Her job is to kill an
actor. However, that actor is involved in a play
that pokes a bit of fun at Ned Stark. Arya
questions why this person needs to be killed.
Although Arya isn't sure about all of this, she has
a plan.
Yara makes her claim for the salt throne of the
Iron Islands. However, her uncle, Euron Greyjoy
also makes a claim for the throne. He has a plan
to seduce Daenerys, become her husband, and
invade Westeros. Many from the Iron Islands
back Euron, and he becomes king. While he's
being coronated, Theon, Yara, and those who
don't support Euron, steal the best ships and
leave the Iron Islands. Euron finds out and plans
to hunt them down and kill them.
Jorin reveals his greyscale to Daenerys. He says
he loves her but says goodbye. However,
Daenerys wants Jorin by her side and commands
him to find a cure for it.
A High Red priestess from Volantis meets with
Tyrion. She will work to help spread the word of
the good work that Daenerys had done for her
people by the deal Tyrion struck in her absence.
What did you think of this week's episode? What were
your favorite moments?