Wednesday 10 February 2016

THE FLASH S2 EP 13"Welcome to Earth-2," RECAP

Barry , Wells and Cisco journey to Earth-2 to rescue Wells' daughter, Jesse, from Zoom. Barry is stunned when he runs into Earth-2 Iris and Joe, but nothing prepares him for meeting Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jay has to take over the Flash's responsibilities when a meta-human nicknamed Geomancer attacks Central City. Last week episode ended where barry told Dr. Wells he'll help him get his daughter back and they both prepare to go to Earth 2 together,on getting to earth 2 Barry kidnaps his doppelganger and takes his place to try and learn more about Zoom's wheareabouts. He quickly learns that he is married to Iris who is also a cop much like Joe on Earth-1. Floyd Lawton, better known as Deadshot, is Iris' partner and his aim is quite a bit off from where it was on Earth-1. We also learn that Joe hates Barry and the feeling is mutual as Joe blames him for Iris becoming a cop. Jitters is no longer a coffee shop but instead is a nightclub where Joe is the headliner. The big reveal from Earth-2 is that Caitlyn is a villain known as Killer Frost. Her husband is still alive, but Ronnie is also a bad guy known as Deathstorm. Together, the villains are working for Zoom and are tasked with finding Barry and Cisco and bringing them to the black-suited speedster. Wells is undoubtedly disappointed that Barry has allowed their mission to be compromised, but when Joe is fatally wounded by Deathstorm, Barry feels compelled to try and save his family. He even gets a chance to speak to his mother who is alive on Earth-2 and his emotional reaction compels him to bring Cisco in to try and stop Killer Frost and Deathstorm. While Cisco is unable to vibe on this world, we soon learn that there is a very good reason. Meanwhile, on Earth-1, a new metahuman has appeared. Jay Garrick immediately recognizes him as a foe from Earth-2 who died. Known as the Geomancer, this bad guy calls out The Flash. The breach in STAR Labs is broken and with Jay and Caitlyn researching how to fix it, Joe implores Jay to take Velocity-6 to defend the city in Barry's absence. Joe then confides in Caitlyn that Zoom did not steal his speed and cause his illness, it was his own experiments with a Velocity-6 serum. Caitlyn vows to help Jay and develops Velocity-7 which temporarily allows Jay to fight Geomancer but soon loses his speed again. Joe manages to shoot Geomancer but he gets away. Iris, Floyd, and Cisco team up to try and take down Killer Frost and Deathstorm but they soon reveal that they are not reporting to Zoom directly. Their actual boss steps out of the shadows and we see that it is Reverb, better known as Earth-2's Cisco Ramon. This Cisco has fully manifested his powers and offers to train Earth-1 Cisco, who rejects his doppelganger's "Cloud City Vader" deal. Barry arrives to defend his friends but is taken down by Reverb and Deathstorm who are quickly killed by Zoom for hurting Barry. Zoom then takes Barry to the same basement prison where Jesse is held as well as a masked man. Zoom then tells Barry that this is the last room he will see before he dies. A very intense episode, this may be one of the best hours of The Flash to date.

  here's a teaser trailer for next weeks episode titled "escape from earth 2"


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