Friday 5 February 2016

New UK Trailer For London Has Fallen

After the British Prime Minister has passed away under
mysterious circumstances, all leaders of the Western world
must attend his funeral. But what starts out as the most
protected event on earth, turns into a deadly plot to kill the
world's most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of
the future. The President of the United States, his formidable
secret service head and an English MI-6 agent who trusts no
one are the only people that have any hope of stopping it.

"London Has Fallen" stars Gerard Butler as a Secret
Service agent entrusted with the care of the U.S.
president, played by Aaron Eckhart, who is in London to
attend the funeral of a British prime minister. Terrorists
disrupt the event, proceeding to blow up what looks like
most of central London, including several Thames
bridges and the Houses of Parliament. (The poster for
the film even features a picture of Big Ben being blown
to pieces.)
Not content to stop there, the terrorist leader, who has
the Arabic-sounding name of Barkawi (and is played by Israeli actor Alon Aboutboul), threatens to create the same havoc in every major world city unless
the president is turned over to him, so he can be
tortured and killed on live TV.


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