Monday 22 February 2016

Far Cry Primal -- out today...Go Back To The Stone Age With The New Trailer

Ubisoft Montreal's prehistoric take on the Far Cry
series is out today on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The
PC version will be released on March 1st.
Far Cry Primal is an action-adventure game set in
10,000 B.C.E. Taking place in the Oros Valley, players
will take on the role of Takkar, a tribesman who is
stranded in Oros after his hunting party is ambushed.
From there, the structure is similar to other Far Cry
titles, take over enemy camps and hunt wildlife to
enhance your character.
What distinguishes this from other games in the series
is the beast master element. Takkar is able to tame a
variety of animals to serve as companions, each with
their own abilities. For example, the Owl can scout
ahead and mark enemies, while the Sabre Tooth is a
one-cat wrecking crew, assisting in combat and quickly
disposing of enemy tribesman.
Certain animals can also be used as mounts. Players
can look forward to charging into an enemy camp on
the back of a bear, mowing down enemies and looking
majestic in doing so.
Since there are no firearms or vehicles in Far Cry
Primal, players will have to rely on crafting weapons.
The list includes spears, clubs, bows, etc... There is
also a day/night cycle in the game, which is used for
more than just visual appeal. For example, predators
are more aggressive at night, forcing players to use fire
for protection.
It is clear that Far Cry Primal is Ubisoft's attempt to mix
up the series a bit after many complained that Far Cry
4 was too similar to Far Cry 3 .


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