Saturday 27 February 2016

Tablets Sales Continue to Decline

In 2010, tablets were supposed to be the new hot
thing. Apple released the first iPad, Samsung was
working on the Galaxy Tab and countless others
were about to flood the market with Android
tablets. Six years later, there weren’t any tablets at
Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Companies and
consumers have moved on.The question is, are Tablets are dead?

To be fair, if you looked hard enough, you could find an Android
tablet or two hidden in a corner of  every home but people don't seem to excited about getting an upgrade.

In fact, Samsung, Sony, HTC and LG didn’t have any new tablet
to announce. They didn’t even mention tablets during their
conferences. It’s not just that people don’t care about tablets
anymore — the big electronics companies themselves aren’t
even trying to release new products for this market anymore.
Sure, Lenovo released some cheap Android tablets , but it seems like
nobody noticed. Huawei announced the MateBook ,
but this isn’t technically a tablet — it’s a Surface
Pro-like device running Windows 10 for laptops.

Despite the holiday season , the worldwide tablet market declined yet
again in the fourth quarter of 2015 ( 4 Q 15 ) with 65 . 9
million units shipped, down - 13 . 7 % year over year ,
according to preliminary data from the International Data
Corporation ( IDC ) Worldwide Quarterly Tablet Tracker


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