Sunday, 27 March 2016

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Promo Reveals New Footage of the Battle to Come

We showed you some new pictures from 6th season of game of thrones yesterday but today we've got you a new footage which teases a dark and violent season. We’re less than a month away from the big day and we just can't wait anymore (like we have a choice).
So, even though the latest short promotional trailer for the new season is largely steeped in imagery that we saw in the last trailer for Game of Thrones, which teased further fights and encounters with the Whitewalkers, any small amount of new scenes and images is enough to make it worth giving a look.

just so you know, there'll be more deaths because we've been told "one way or another a face will be added to the hole"...come's Game of thrones of cause we expect to see new faces added to the "hall of faces" we just hope it's not faces of our favorite characters.


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