Sunday, 19 June 2016

‘Game of Thrones’ (GOT) Season 6 episode 9 /10 leaked spoilers

[Spoiler alert! This article contains potential spoilers for "Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 episode 9 (penultimate)
and episode 10 (finale). Do not read further if you don't wish to know more about it.]
"Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 is only one episode away from its finale. So, the plot of the show is expected to intensify with some unexpected twists and shockers. Episode 9, which happens to be the penultimate segment, is titled "Battle of the Bastards" wherein House Stark will attempt to reclaim Winterfell and House Bolton will be at defence.
Several media outlets are suggesting that the battle will end with the death of either Jon Snow or Ramsay Bolton. Since Jon Snow recently resurrected, it is highly unlikely that the fan- favourite character will bite the dust. Thus, Ramsay has to die.
In the meantime, a Redditor seventhonmars has revealed leaked spoilers by truede and docmantistobogan hinting at as many as seven major deaths in the final two episodes.
According to the post, Jon Snow does not kill Ramsay instead Jon Snow imprisons him. Later, however, in episode 10, Ramsay is attacked by mysterious dog-like creatures.
Tommen is rumoured to commit suicide by jumping from the window. Cersei Lannister reportedly attempts to destroy King's
Landing by setting up a wildfire. The Red Wedding-like massacre is expected to kill several Tyrells.
Smalljon Umber is predicted to be killed by Tormund during the battle between House Stark and House Bolton. Wun Wun
is rumoured to be one of the characters dying next by getting hit with an arrow in his eye.
Another character predicted to die before "Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 closes is Rickon Stark. He is said to be killed by Ramsay's arrows, in Jon Snow's arms after
Ramsay frees him.
For more major deaths, leaked spoilers suggest that Ian McShane's character, the Hound's mentor, and the rest of the
group will be killed by Brothers without Banners(a prediction which came through). And the Mountain will kill Septa Unella.
According to spoilers on Celeb Dirty Laundry, several Tyrells including Loras, Margaery and Mace will die during the events of episode 9 and 10. The website notes that the Redditor's predictions about Roose Bolton, Olly and Alliser Thorne's
death in the previous episodes have been accurate.
In addition, the spoilers suggest that Jon Snow will become the King in the North.
"Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 episode 9 (penultimate) "Battle of the Bastards" airs June 19 and episode 10 (finale)
"The Winds of Winter" on June 26 at 9:00 pm on HBO. Stay
tuned for more spoilers and updates.


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