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Wednesday 29 June 2016

TYRANT Season 3 : Trailer,Poster and Release Date Revealed

Tyrant season 3 continues the story of Bassam, the youngest son of an infamous dictator. Bassam (Barry) had to face the harsh reality of ruling the country in turbulent times of a deep political crisis. At the end of season 2, Barry and his older brother Jamal join their forces and fight nip and tuck to defeat the mutual enemy. But the moment Jamal steps up to address his people with a triumphant speech, he catches a bullet leaving season 3 to reveal Jamal’s fate. Barry finds himself in charge of the country’s affairs again…But other members of the Al-Fayeed family have their own opinions on Abuddin’s future. Also, some new characters will join the stage and some old romantic histories will reignite.

“Tyrant” Season 3 premiere is slated for Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 10pm, on FX.

Click Link Below To Watch Trailer


Tuesday 28 June 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale: Book to TV Spoiler Discussion

The Game of Thrones season 6 finale has come and gone, and like the best of finales before it, ‘ The Winds of Winter‘ has irrevocably altered the landscape of the series going forward.
Major characters and powerful players in the game were wiped off the board, while other pieces were moved into dangerous, and in some cases, precarious positions. Make no mistake, we’re in the great game now.
It’s always nice to have a nagging suspicion of yours come to pass, but Cersei’s efficient dispatching of practically every one of her enemies exceeded expectations. Marvelously composed, shot, and paced, the opening minutes of ‘The Winds of Winter’ were some of the best this season, slowly building to a positively explosive climax. She may not have burned down the whole city, but near enough, effectively removing from the game the High Sparrow, his followers, the ruling body of The Faith in general, hundreds of King’s Landing’s courtiers, and most notably Mace, Loras, and Margaery Tyrell.

In King’s Landing, both Kevan Lannister and Maester Pycelle also met their ends, something which in the novels occurs when they’re both murdered by a recently returned Varys and his “little birds.” There was something of that in Qyburn’s use of the “little birds” to kill Pycelle, while Kevan just went up in flames. But the purpose of their deaths remains — Varys kills them out of fear they’ll fix the mess Cersei has made of the kingdom, something he’s carefully orchestrating, weakening the Seven Kingdoms for the coming Targaryen invasion.
So while Game of Thrones hasn’t necessarily followed the route layed out in George R.R. Martin’s novels — and it’s hard to say if the novels will even include anything similar — it seems safe to assume Cersei becoming the true Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, The First of Her Name, is the endgame for this particular plot. And when she is crowned, she is left with nothing to live for and as much power as she’s ever had, making this Cersei at her most dangerous and unpredictable — a fact Jaime seems only all to aware of upon entering the throne room. That look they share speaks volumes, and much like what begins happening earlier along in the books, Jaime is realizing his sister has begun her descent into madness.


Though ‘The Winds of Winter’ was expected to have a high death toll, most didn’t count on Margaery Tyrell being among them. After all, the young queen was easily one of the game’s best players and her decision to fool the High Sparrow into thinking she was a pious and devout follower of the Faith proved she was in it for the long haul. Sadly, there were more powerful forces conspiring against her and her family — namely, a mad woman willing to risk it all. Margaery did at least suspect Cersei was up to something, a fitting end for one of Game of Thrones cleverest characters in that it allowed her to prove herself smarter than everyone else, even if it was for the very last time.
Just don’t expect anything nearly as suspenseful or thrilling for book-Margaery’s death once it happens. The character which Natalie Dormer has portrayed brilliantly for four seasons is thankfully a much richer character than the Margaery we meet in the novels. Never receiving a POV chapter, Margaery is only ever seen through the eyes of other characters, and though it’s implied she’s smarter than she looks, the clever wit and scheming Dormer and the writers instilled in Margaery isn’t really there on the page. And of all the deaths in the season 6 finale, of which there were many, losing Margaery hurt the most. (As for Loras, the books may even have him die off- page due to burns received from boiling oil in an entirely different scenario.) And no one understands that pain more than Lady Olenna, who in one fell swoop lost her son, grandson, and — that who she clearly held most dear — her granddaughter. As she later tells Ellaria Sand, Cersei took away her future and now she wants revenge.


All things considered, season 6 has been a banner year for the Starks. Sure, there were struggles and heartache and so much death — Rickon, Hodor, Osha, Shaggydog, and Summer. But not since before the Red Wedding have the Starks had just as many wins in their column as losses. Jon is alive and was just made the King in the North; Sansa is free of Ramsey Bolton and saw to his death, personally; Arya has also tasted sweet revenge, striking Walder Frey from her list; and Bran persevered in his quest to become the Three Eyed-Raven, beginning to display a greater control of his abilities.
Still, not every thing for the Starks was left on a cheery note. Bran and Meera remain north of The Wall, with only the furs on their backs and no transportation (Gee, thanks, Uncle Benjen); also unclear is what effect Bran’s visions will have on the story’s events. Sure, they inform viewers of the truth in the past, but unless Bran can either reach the show’s other characters or find a way to send a message, how he’ll be proactive in the ‘war to come’ is a bit of mystery. Arya’s next step, too, isn’t exactly clear. She’s offed Walder Frey in a deeply satisfying scene (shout out for the Frey pie, they actually managed to squeeze it in there!) but where she goes from here is anyone’s guess. She may simply continue her streak of vengeance and head to King’s Landing to kill Cersei, or she may go north to Winterfell upon hearing Jon and Sansa hold the castle? Either option will be deeply tempting for Arya, and which path she chooses will give us a strong indication of just how dark she’s actually becoming.

Though, where matters will be trickiest is in Winterfell. At first, it was sweet how neither Jon nor Sansa presumed to rule, each actually suggesting it’d be the other who’d become Lord or Lady of Winterfell. Then Lady Mormont threw down the gauntlet by declaring again that she serves no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark, which for her means Jon Snow. One by one the other northern lords follow suit, and before too long we have a recreation of the scene in where Robb was hailed as King in the North in season 2. The matter seems settled, and even Sansa looks quite pleased with the strong show of support for her brother — that is, until she looks across the hall to Littlefinger.
Earlier in the episode he revealed to Sansa his plan: to sit the Iron Throne with her by his side. To do so, he needs Winterfell and for that he needs Sansa to be Wardeness of the North, not Jon. Littlefinger reminds Sansa of her stronger claim, too, a point which must have stuck with her judging by the clear conflict on her face. All of this seems to suggest that season 7 may find Jon and Sansa competing to rule the North, which sounds like the exact kind of infighting they can’t really afford.
However, this is an instance where the book can perhaps shed some light on what’s to come. In the novels, Sansa remains in The Eryie where Littlefinger intends to give her The Vale through marriage to Robyn’s heir, then reveal her as the only remaining trueborn child of Ned Stark, making her a claimant for Winterfell as well. But, if the time all this comes to pass Jon already holds Winterfell, well, we can see where a conflict would arise. The show may have just gotten to this point more quickly while in the meantime developing Jon and Sansa’s relationship more thoroughly. Either way, expect things to get messy in for the Starks in Winterfell — especially if and when
Bran arrives with the truth of Jon’s parentage.

It may have been the briefest narrative of the finale and on its own may not appear all that significant, but Sam and Gilly’s arrival in Oldtown (where their carriage left them off really far away, for some reason) suggests there may just a bit more from the published books left to include. On Game of Thrones , all we had was an awkward scene between Sam and another maester, followed by him entering the enormous Citadel library; all serving as merely set up, only included so we know where we’ll find Sam next season. But in the novels, Sam’s arrival in Oldtown holds a bit more intrigue.
Upon arrival, Sam is taken to meet with Archmaester Marwyn, who unlike most at the Citadel, believes in magic and even has a glass and obsidian candle burning in his office (a mysterious candle with strange properties clearly linked with magic and dragons). He also believes that the stories of Daenerys and her dragons are true, and tells Sam that “the world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons ,” implying it was the maesters who caused the dragons to die out in the first place, leading to magic receding from the world. And after Marwyn listens to Sam’s account of the all events which have transpired north of The Wall, he immediately sets sail to find Daenerys with the intention of becoming her maester.
Clearly, throwing all this information at viewers so late in the game would have only muddled what was a fantastic finale, but book readers have to wonder if this is where Sam’s upcoming adventures at the Citadel are leading.


It’s a voyage twenty years and six seasons in the making, but Daenerys Stormborn is coming home; as her newly appointed Hand of the Queen, Tyrion Lannister puts it: “ This is actually happening.” And it’s these sorts of developments that clue us in that Game of Thrones is heading for its grand finale, because next season every plot will be in happening in Westeros, bringing all of these many characters into closer and closer conflict with one another. And for the coming conflicts, Daenerys has assembled such an impressive coalition that the Seven Kingdoms won’t even know what hit them. (She may even be able to count Melisandre and the Brotherhood Without Banners on her side before too long, what with the red priests and priestesses across the Narrow Sea preaching Daenerys as the ‘prince that was promised.’) Of course, book readers know that Daenerys’ coming invasion isn’t the only Targaryen force landing in Westeros. The Young Griff, revealed to be Aegon, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, also lands in Westeros near the end of A Dance With Dragons with his own army of sellswords. Arrianne Martell, daughter of Prince Doran, is even sent to meet with Aegon, and if satisfied, throw Dorne’s support behind the young dragon prince. And while expecting anything of the sort to happen on Game of Thrones would at this advanced stage be absurd (and frankly, it’s a little absurd in the novels, too) we can see the similarities between it and Varys bringing House Martell onto Daenerys’ side.

More surprising, though, is finding Lady Olenna in Dorne as well, invited there by Ellaria on the terms of their sharing a common enemy — Cersei Lannister. That in itself would have intriguing enough, but uniting House Martell and House Tyrell behind Daenerys’ claim is a masterstroke. This scene also echoes another from the books, one in where Doran tells Arrianne he sent her older brother, Quentyn, across the Narrow Sea to bring back their hearts desire — “Vengeance.
Justice. Fire and blood. ” On Game of Thrones , the promise was the same but it was made to characters we have more cause to care about. (Yes, even Ellaria and her Sand Snakes.) It’s unclear if in the books the lines of loyalty will be drawn in quite the same way, but for simplicity’s sake, having those who are against the Lannisters but not familiar enough with the Starks join Daenerys’ cause makes the most sense.
Heading into season 7, the continent looks to be divided into three camps (four, if we’re generous to Euron Greyjoy on Pyke) with Jon and/or Sansa ruling the North, Cersei seizing control in King’s Landing, and Daenerys’ coming ashore with the support of much of the South.
Without a doubt, House Lannister and especially Cersei are being positioned as the major villain going forward, but we still don’t know on what terms the Stark and Targaryen forces will meet. Will they be friend of foe? Could Daenerys in the end be considered a villain herself? How will Jon’s possibly Targaryen heritage affect her claim to the Iron Throne? For as many answers as we received this season to questions fans have been grappling with for years, the questions raised by Game of Thrones season 6 may be even more puzzling. And no matter which comes first, Martin’s sixth book The Winds of Winter or HBO’s Game of Thrones season 7, fans the world over cannot wait to learn their answers.

Game of Thrones will return to HBO with season 7 in spring 2017.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Watch Game Of Thrones S6 EP10 Right Here

It's been another intense nine weeks for the HBO show and After last week's visual spectacular of The Battle Of The
Bastards - which is already being touted as the best ever
episode - the pressure is on for the finale to deliver.
Here's the link for Season 6 Episode 10 (Finale)


Friday 24 June 2016

New Inferno Trailer : Tom Hanks Returns as Robert Langdon

Sony Pictures has released brand new
domestic and international trailers for
" Inferno , " the third film adaptation of a Dan Brown novel with Tom Hanks reprising his role of Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon . The film opens in cinemas October 28th.
In this outing he 's on a trail of clues tied to
the great Dante himself after waking up in an Italian hospital with amnesia . He teams up with Sienna Brooks (Felicity Jones), a doctor he hopes will help him recover his memories , and races across Europe to foil a deadly global plot .

Click below for domestic trailer


Click Below for International Trailer


The Mechanic: Resurrection trailer Is Here

Summit Entertainment has released the first trailer for the upcoming Mechanic: Resurrection featuring stars Jason Statham, Jessica Alba, and Tommy Lee Jones.
Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) returns as the Mechanic in the sequel to the 2011 action thriller. When the deceitful actions of
a cunning but beautiful woman (Jessica Alba) force him to return to the life he left behind, Bishop’s life is once again in
danger as he has to complete an impossible list of assassinations of the most dangerous men in the world.
Filmed on location in Bangkok, Thailand, Dennis Gansel (We Are the Night ) directed Mechanic: Resurrection . Statham, Alba
and Jones are joined by Michelle Yeoh in the sequel. Mechanic: Resurrection will debut in theaters on August 26, 2016.
A sequel to the 2011 film, which brought in $62 million at the global box office, The Mechanic was a remake of the 1972
film of the same name starring Charles Bronson and directed by Michael Winner.

Click below for Trailer


Thursday 23 June 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Images: The Winds of Winter Is Here

Following last week’s epic battle episode of Game of Thrones, which saw Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) defeat Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) to retake Winterfall for House Stark, the show’s season 6 finale is now upon us. The final episode, if the post-battle finales of Seasons 2 and 4 are any indication, will deal with the aftermath of what took place last week, while also tackling plots not addressed in the ninth episode of this season.
It’s been a dense and busy season, the first not directly based on George R. R. Martin’s already-published A Song of Ice and Fire source material. And the final episode will likely expand far beyond Winterfell and Meereen, the only two locations in Episode 9.HBO has released six photos from Sunday’s episode.
Here, we see Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) meeting with Red Wedding mastermind Walder Frey (David Bradley):

Here’s Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), back in action from beyond The Wall, after being away for a handful of episodes.

Meanwhile, in Meereen,  Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) are planning their next move.

Here’s Ser Loras Tyrell (Finn Jones), kneeling before the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce).

Here’s Ser Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham), possibly on his way to confront Melisandre (Carice van Houten) over her role in the death of Princess Shireen.

The setup for the finale leaves much to be addressed. There’s the matter of King’s Landing, where Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) and Ser Loras are headed for her trial before the Faith Militant, and there are hints that perhaps Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer) isn’t quite so loyal to the Faith Militant as she appears. There’s also Daenerys Targaryean (Emilia Clarke), who looks about ready to finally launch her long-awaited invasion of Westeros. Then there are the unanswered questions: What has Bran Stark been doing since he was rescued by his uncle Benjen, and where is he headed now?
Where is Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) going next after leaving the House of Black and White? What are Sam and Gilly up to? Who was Lord Varys (Conleth Hill) on his way to meet with?
How close to The Wall are the White Walkers? And whatever happened to Dorne?
It’s becoming clear that with likely only two more seasons to go, Game of Thrones is approaching its endgame, and that endgame will center on a pair of invasions of Westeros: By the White Walkers from the North, and of Daenerys and her army from the South. Episode 10 may very well start the countdown towards both.

Keeping Up With the Joneses Trailer Is Here

Gadot and Jon Hamm star as the Joneses, a glamorous, sophisticated, picture-perfect couple who move into a perfectly ordinary suburb. They dazzle their new neighbors, especially Jeff ( Zach Galifianakis ) and Karen (Isla Fisher ).
What Jeff and Karen don’t realize right away is that the Joneses are spies. Watch the Keeping Up With the Joneses trailer below.

Click Below For Trailer


Wednesday 22 June 2016

Watch ' Suits' S6 Promo Here as Season 6 Kicks Off July 13th

It is difficult times for Harvey Specter, Mike Ross and their law firm, Pearson Specter Litt when Suits returns with its sixth season on 13 July at 9pm EST on the USA Network. A new promo of the show was released recently which shows Harvey trying to clean up the mess he made.
The 30-second clip opens with Rachel Zane answering a phone call . The lady at the other end of the line says, "You have a call from Danbury Federal Prison do you accept the charges?" To which the Paralegal replies, "Yes."

Click below to watch Promo


Then we get a glimpse of Mike Ross in prison, as Harvey goes to see his former colleague. "I came here to figure out what the hell we are going to do," Harvey states. But Mike is not interested in his arguments and angrily declares, "I am too busy trying to survive in here."
The next scene shows the young convict being cornered by a group of inmates, as one of them begins to hit him.

Meanwhile, there is trouble brewing at Pearson Specter Litt, as the otherwise-thriving office has turned into a "ghost town" after Mike's fallout. The promo then shifts to the law firm where Jessica Pearson tells her partners, Louis Litt, and Harvey, "We are being sued for every case Mike Ross has ever touched!"

Suits season 6 will premiere on 13 July on the USA Network.

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9: Book to TV Spoiler Discussion

Like in seasons before, Game of Thrones season 6’s ninth episode was not to be missed. ‘ Battle of the Bastards ‘ was climactic in epic fashion, taking us up and close with not one battle, but two. The first was the war raging in Meereen as the
Slave Masters’ forces mercilessly attack the city. The second was the episode’s title match, which didn’t comprise nearly as
much of the one hour runtime as expected, but was still absolutely thrilling to behold. These were also the only two plots the ninth episode checked in on, giving its full focus to the horrors of war.

After Daenerys and Tyrion combined their strengths – his for talking, her’s for dragonfire – proving again what a formidable team they make, the Slavers’ siege was ended almost as quickly as it began. Now seated atop her pyramid, Daenerys is again the undisputed ruler of Meereen. Meaning, it may be time she start getting serious about making her way across the Narrow Sea, lest she is challenged again – except, she still needs more ships. Those ships of the Slave Masters’ fleet she didn’t have her dragons set aflame will surely help, but they aren’t enough.
Enter the Greyjoys, specifically Yara and Theon with their lion’s share (kraken’s share?) of the Iron Fleet. And though we knew this was coming, it’s still jarring to see it come to pass so quickly. Still, they’ve arrived and the deal is struck: in return for supplying the necessary ships to bring Daenerys’ army to Westeros, and presumably aiding her in the war for the Iron Throne, Dany will grant the Iron Islands sovereignty with Yara as their queen. There’s a catch, however, as Dany also demands the Ironborn no longer “reave, rove, raid, or rape” along the coast of Westeros. This has Yara taken aback, seeing as reaving is the very foundation of which Ironborn culture is built, but she agrees nonetheless. (Though it remains to be seen how the men she commands will react.)
Though their meeting was telegraphed like so many of season 6’s “surprises”, the recognition Daenerys and Yara share as being kindred spirits – both determined women vying to rule in a man’s world – is palpable, and it promises to be an interesting new element for the upcoming finale and season 7.

As for this ever happening in the novels, I wouldn’t count on it. Yara (née Asha) isn’t on her way to Meereen, she’s still a prisoner of Stannis Baratheon (yeah, that’s how different and far behind some of these novel narratives are), and it’s instead her other uncle, Victarion who’s sailed the fleet to Meereen on Euron’s orders. There’s a very good chance Victarion will betray Euron, however, presenting himself as possible husband instead of bringing Euron’s proposal, but it still leaves Daenerys’ needing to choose between the ships she needs and another marriage. There’s also the whole ‘Victarion has a magical, dragon-controlling horn’, which places what’s happening on the show and what could presumably happen in the books even further apart.

Still, until The Winds of Winter is published, what’s happening on the show is the best intel we have, and what it’s suggesting is Daenerys, an invading Targaryen, will arrive in Westeros aboard Greyjoy ships. That’s going to unsettle most if not all of those currently in Westeros, potentially setting up a clash between two forces that audiences have come to like.
The true battle between Ice and Fire is still very likely White Walkers vs Dragons, but who’s to say someone like Jon Snow or Sansa will immediately ally themselves with an invading army? Is Daenerys about to strike deals with every ruling lord, leaving herself less than Seven Kingdom to rule over? It’ll be interesting to see how the Dragon Queen is received once she returns home, but she also better keep minding Tyrion’s advice, unless she wants to add another name to her list of titles: the Mad Queen. (Also, please note we have yet another mention of King Aerys’ stockpile of wildfire, and specifically that which is stored under the Sept of Baelor. Hmm…)

Here we have again an event which fans have been expecting all season long – the Battle of the Bastards, Jon Snow vs Ramsey Bolton. To say this battle was hyped would be selling it short, as ever since rumors of its enormity began to surface audiences have been waiting for this showdown with bated breath. And Game of Thrones did not disappoint, with director Miguel Sapochnik and a crew of hundreds of stunt performers outdoing themselves, even topping last year’s impress I've sequence in ‘Hardhome’.

With the battle over and Winterfell won, it’s easy to feel relief for the Starks. After seasons of unimaginable losses (including yet another last night, as poor Rickon was mercilessly killed), giving the family a win is a very welcomed change of pace. But on Game of Thrones , nothing is ever that easy. Though he eventually won the day, it seems highly unlikely Jon will be able to serve at Winterfell as its lord, raising questions of just what he’ll do next? Because let’s be honest, even if Jon’s true parentage is what we all suspect, and even if that’s revealed to audiences this season, it won’t be common knowledge in the kingdom anytime soon. And if it’s Sansa who’s placed in control, will she be forced to marry? She may now have earned herself enough clout (more on that below) that she can decide whether or not that happens, but even still, where does this place the North in relation to the Crown?

Tommen still rules the Seven Kingdoms, and while Roose was Warden of the North he was loyal. Then Ramsey took over and that loyalty was thrown into doubt, though he didn’t hang around long enough for it to ever really matter in the South.
Now he’s gone and the Starks rule the North once again. Do we really expect them to bend the knee? Obviously, King’s Landing is embroiled in its own drama which is likely to come to head in the finale, so we may not learn what consequence the Battle of the Bastards has for the kingdom as a whole until next season. After all, if Cersei is planning to blow up the Sept of Baelor with a cache of wildfire , there may not even be a king next season. Could we be witnessing the disillusion of the Seven Kingdoms? The North may use this opportunity to truly break from the Crown, as had been the plan when they crowned Robb the King in the North. And with Sansa being the oldest known surviving legitimate child of Ned, how about Queen in the North? It has a nice ring to it.

Without question, Sansa has emerged as one of Game of Thrones most compelling characters. From the onset she was a character few really liked, often overshadowed by her more adventurous sister and painted as naive and foolish girl who was only ever a pawn in others’ plans. But over the course of six seasons, Sansa has transformed into a formidable woman, one who could easily find herself ruling the largest territory within the Seven Kingdoms on her own terms.
For book readers, what makes this so interesting is wondering just how will she reach this point in the novels? The whole plot of Sansa being married to Ramsey is one that didn’t and won’t happen in the novels, meaning she won’t be seeking bloody vengeance for his abuse. There is another character that Sansa could see herself married to, and he seems to be a real jerk, but Ser Harrold Hardyng is nowhere near the sadist Ramsey was. With Sansa still in The Vale as of A Dance With Dragons (and The Winds of Winter , according to preview chapters) presumably her continued ascension to being one of the most powerful women in Westeros will occur there, as there seems little reason for her to travel to Winterfell just yet.
And in The Vale she has one ally, only one person who knows her true heritage – Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish. While masquerading as his bastard daughter, Alayne, Sansa has grown in confidence, even finding ways in which she can bend Littlefinger to her will. That will undoubtedly continue, but just how and when she’ll be able to eventually tip the scales of their relationship in her favor, as she has on the show, remains to be seen.

On Game of Thrones , her “alliance” with Littlefinger proved to be what won the Starks the day in the Battle of the Bastards, for the battle was all but lost until the Knights of the Vale arrived. Now the Stark cause is once again indebted to Littlefinger, which is a precarious position to say the least.
Surely, Jon won’t be all too happy when he learns of the dealing Sansa was doing behind his back, possibly causing a rift between the recently reunited half-siblings (or cousins?).
More importantly, in what we can glean from the next time preview, Littlefinger seems to think he’s owed for his timely arrival on the battlefield, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Supplying the Knights of the Vale was supposed to his way of paying Sansa back for setting her up with the absolute worst husband imaginable, making them for all intents and purposes, even. Sansa has just had her first taste of true power, and she likely won’t be ceding control all too easily after that. Like a true Stark, she was one to pass the sentence on Ramsey and swing the sword– er, release the hounds . This is significant moment of progression for her character, and it would be downright unbelievable were she simply to back down and accept whatever it is Littlefinger suggests. Then again, Sansa may see a way to use Littlefinger’s very obvious interest in her to her own advantage. She has, after all, been in the company of some of Westeros’ best players – Margaery, Tyrion, and now Littlefinger – making it entirely plausible she’ll find a way to use Littlefinger’s affection. We got a taste of that in their tense meeting earlier this season, and one could argue Sansa has only been strengthened through the justice she served Ramsey. (That small smile when she’s walking away from the kennels really says it all.) In the end, Littlefinger may come to regret taking Sansa under his wing.
Game of Thrones season 6 will conclude next Sunday with ‘The Winds of Winter’ @9pm on HBO.

The Strain Season 3 Trailer Is Here

The 10-episode third season of Guillermo del Toro and Carlton Cruse's thriller series sees the residents of New York City struggling to survive as it falls prey to a terrible epidemic with no hope of anyone coming to its rescue.
The Strain: Season 3 premieres on Sunday, August 28 at 10pm.
While you patiently wait for its return on FX, check out the promo below:


The Strain Season 3 "Lady Liberty" Promo

Justice League Casts Game of Thrones’ Kristofer Hivju as Atlantean King

Kristofer Hivju, best known for portraying the Wildling leader Thormund Giantsbane on Game of Thrones , was depicted as the Ancient Atlantean King. Hivju, prior to today, had not been announced as part of the cast. Hivju is a 37-year-old Norwegian actor, known for his distinctive beard, who mostly acted in Scandinavian films for the first decade of his career, including a supporting part in the celebrated 2014 Swedish film Force Majeure. Hivju has also been cast in another major 2017 release , Fast 8 , as a henchman of the Charlize Theron

Tuesday 21 June 2016

CW & Netflix Plan New Deal

Netflix and The CW are nearing a deal that will bring the most recent seasons of CW shows, such as Arrow, The Flash, and
Supernatural, to the world’s leading streaming service less than two weeks after that season’s finale airs on TV. This is a
significant change from the current agreement between the two parties, which sees the most recent seasons arriving on
Netflix shortly before a new season is set to premiere. While exact financial details of the deal have yet to be publicly revealed, it is expected to last for five years, it only covers domestic streaming rights, and is speculated to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 billion.

We'll have more details on The CW and Netflix deal as it is made available.

Monday 20 June 2016

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE : ‘Finding Dory’ Scores Record $136.2 Million Opening

Pixar and Disney's sequel comes a whopping 13 years after its beloved predecessor Finding Nemo, with an incredibly successful opening weekend that now stands as the biggest domestic debut of all time for an animated movie and 18th highest debut overall.

Meanwhile, Central Intelligence came in second place at the box office, with the new action-comedy starring Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart earning $34.5 million
during its opening weekend. Last week's leader, The Conjuring 2 , slipped to third with $15.6 million, followed thereafter by Now You See Me 2 and Warcraft, which rounded out the top five with $9.7 million and $6.5 million, respectively.

1. Finding Dory $136.2 million
2. Central Intelligence $34.5 million
3. The Conjuring 2 $15.6 million
4. Now You See Me 2 $9.7 million
5. Warcraft $6.5 million
6. X-Men: Apocalypse $5.2 million
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
$5.2 million
8. Me Before You $4.2 million
9. Alice Through the Looking Glass $3.6 million
10. Captain America: Civil War $2.3 million

Sunday 19 June 2016

Game Of Thrones S6 EP9 Is Finally Here

The much anticipated "The battle of the bastards is here and its starts with a different kind of war.

Click the link below to watch


‘Game of Thrones’ (GOT) Season 6 episode 9 /10 leaked spoilers

[Spoiler alert! This article contains potential spoilers for "Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 episode 9 (penultimate)
and episode 10 (finale). Do not read further if you don't wish to know more about it.]
"Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 is only one episode away from its finale. So, the plot of the show is expected to intensify with some unexpected twists and shockers. Episode 9, which happens to be the penultimate segment, is titled "Battle of the Bastards" wherein House Stark will attempt to reclaim Winterfell and House Bolton will be at defence.
Several media outlets are suggesting that the battle will end with the death of either Jon Snow or Ramsay Bolton. Since Jon Snow recently resurrected, it is highly unlikely that the fan- favourite character will bite the dust. Thus, Ramsay has to die.
In the meantime, a Redditor seventhonmars has revealed leaked spoilers by truede and docmantistobogan hinting at as many as seven major deaths in the final two episodes.
According to the post, Jon Snow does not kill Ramsay instead Jon Snow imprisons him. Later, however, in episode 10, Ramsay is attacked by mysterious dog-like creatures.
Tommen is rumoured to commit suicide by jumping from the window. Cersei Lannister reportedly attempts to destroy King's
Landing by setting up a wildfire. The Red Wedding-like massacre is expected to kill several Tyrells.
Smalljon Umber is predicted to be killed by Tormund during the battle between House Stark and House Bolton. Wun Wun
is rumoured to be one of the characters dying next by getting hit with an arrow in his eye.
Another character predicted to die before "Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 closes is Rickon Stark. He is said to be killed by Ramsay's arrows, in Jon Snow's arms after
Ramsay frees him.
For more major deaths, leaked spoilers suggest that Ian McShane's character, the Hound's mentor, and the rest of the
group will be killed by Brothers without Banners(a prediction which came through). And the Mountain will kill Septa Unella.
According to spoilers on Celeb Dirty Laundry, several Tyrells including Loras, Margaery and Mace will die during the events of episode 9 and 10. The website notes that the Redditor's predictions about Roose Bolton, Olly and Alliser Thorne's
death in the previous episodes have been accurate.
In addition, the spoilers suggest that Jon Snow will become the King in the North.
"Game of Thrones" (GOT) Season 6 episode 9 (penultimate) "Battle of the Bastards" airs June 19 and episode 10 (finale)
"The Winds of Winter" on June 26 at 9:00 pm on HBO. Stay
tuned for more spoilers and updates.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Lin-Manuel Miranda and The Rock team up in the trailer for Disney's 'Moana'

Disney released a trailer for its upcoming
animated movie "Moana," which stars
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as a Hawaiian
demigod named Maui. Directed by Ron
Clements and John Musker, the same duo
responsible for Disney classics "The Little
Mermaid" and "Aladdin," the movie promises to continue the success of Disney's animation division after blockbusters like "Frozen" and "Zootopia."
The secret weapon that may push the movie
into the box office stratosphere is "Hamilton"
creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is
contributing original music for "Moana."
Fresh off of his multiple wins at the Tony
Awards, Miranda is undoubtedly one of the
hottest commodities in the entertainment
world. Disney also tapped him to co-star in
the studio's upcoming reboot of "Mary
Poppins" with Emily Blount.
"Moana" is scheduled to arrive in theaters this August.

Click Below For Trailer


THE YOUNG POPE Teaser Trailer Is here

Jude Law stars as the titular brooding, cigarette-smoking, Italian American pontiff in the first trailer for The Young Pope. The speculative eight-episode series from Oscar-winning Italian director Paolo Sorrentino follows Law as he goes from Lenny
Belardo, a conservative cardinal, to Pius XIII, a pope elected to combat what is perceived as “rampant liberalism” in the church. Diane Keaton co-stars as an American nun living in Vatican City.
Sorrentino, who won an Academy Award in 2013 for The Great Beauty , has described the series as an exploration of “the inner struggle between the huge responsibility of the head of the Catholic Church and the miseries of the simple man that fate (or the Holy Spirit) chose as pontiff.” But from the trailer, Law seems more like a man on a mission than a person conflicted about the responsibilities of his office.
While a pope from the United States is a stretch, the idea of electing a radically conservative one to combat Catholic liberalism seems eerily plausible when you consider the direction in which Pope
Francis has taken the office.

Click Link Below For Teaser


HBO will air the show in the U.S. but has yet to set a release date. The Young Pope will premiere in Italy in October.

Friday 17 June 2016

New photos from Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9 “Battle of The Bastards”

Every photo this week centers around the
Battle of the Bastards, and its major players-
Ramsay, Jon and Sansa and their supporters,
and the armies. We’re in for something
incredible this week, from the look of it all
HBO has released this week’s fresh batch of
photos from the upcoming new episode of
Game of Thrones. The season’s epic ninth
episode will be titled “Battle of the Bastards,”
and is expected to feature a massive clash
between the Stark and Bolton forces, with Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton at the head of their armies.
Official episode synopsis: “ Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted.”
Vague enough for you? Well, these new photos should provide more information! Here they are, below

Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane

Kit Harington as Jon Snow. 

 Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth and Kristofer
Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane

 Kit Harington as Jon Snow displaying the stark banner
 Dean S. Jagger as Smalljon Umber

 Carice van Houten as Melisandre and Kit Harington as Jon Snow

 Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton, with Paul Rattray as Harald Karstark

 Kit Harington as Jon Snow

 Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark